A major food processor wanted to add position feedback to Kieselmann butterfly valves they had in service. The modular design of Kieselmann butterfly valves allows for changing or upgrading the valve controls easily. Control heads can be added or removed from existing air actuated valves without removing them from the product line. This design feature helped make the decision easy for the customer to add KI-Top control heads to their process. The timing of the upgrade was strategically planned to be done during a routine maintenance period, as there were over 75 control heads to be added during this project. For increased durability, the customer opted for stainless steel hoods to protect the electronics of the KI-Top digital control head.
Rodger Industries is the Canadian distributor for Kieselmann Fluid Process Group. If you have existing Kieselmann components in service and require feedback for a butterfly valve or a more complex product, such as a double seat valve, please contact us with your inquiry.